Brad Rutledge

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Can Traffic School Help? (again ...)

Well, I got another speeding ticket yesterday. It was similar to the one I received earlier this year, where I was on a city street that merges directly onto the highway. Yesterday I was driving on West Temple - and about 1/2 a block before it technically becomes the on-ramp to I-15 South, when I saw a moto cop in my rear view mirror speed out with his lights roaring.

I have NEVER been able to get out of a ticket when pulled over for speeding. It's honestly something I've had a lot of practice with - but for some reason, my various tactics have never worked. I've tried:

> Acting extremely sorry
> To be surprised & sorry
> In a hurry - "can you help me out today?'
> Being upset
> To find a technical loophole - "I'd like to see the radar gun" - and even "when was the last time this was calibrated?"

None of these have ever worked. In fact when I tried the Technical Loophole play, the cop informed me that he was the Laser & Radar Detector trainer manager for all of Salt Lake County - he gave me an in-depth lesson on how the technology works - and showed me the record of when his machine had last been calibrated (the day prior).

I've heard numerous stories of friends (usually females) who have gotten a warning. I'd love a warning - just once! This, for some reason, is one of my weaknesses! Why can't I do better???

I already attended Traffic School once this year - I think there is a limit of attending only once per year. Looks like I'm screwed here too. Guess I could always try to slow down ...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's (gonna be) a girl!

Alicia, Finn & I went in for Alicia's 20 month check up at the Dr. for her pregnancy this morning. After much jelly on my wife's belly for the Ultra Sound do-dad - the medical tech. finally proclaimed "It's a girl - no question about it."

Honestly I would have been happy with either a little boy or girl - but part of me was hoping for a girl, since we already have Finn and don't plan to have any more kiddos. So now instead of thinking and saying "it" or "the baby" we can now say "her" and "she" - maybe even "Little Misses."

Girl names seem much easier than boy names. I think we already have a short list of 3-4 that would work & we haven't even been thinking about it too much.

New House Too
We also have a contract on our house & are close to extending an offer on our next home. We need to be out by the first week of August - so time is short! With a new baby on the way, a new home in a month & new office - I hope we're done with new things for this year!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Small Town Festivals Rule

So one of my clients is developing a new community called Legacy Ranch in the oldest town in Idaho - Franklin. This past weekend, Franklin hosted its annual Idaho Days Celebration. As a good community member, Legacy Ranch hosted a series of fun activities at its lake. Activities centered around the lake, which is for the first time open to the public.

Activities included:
  • Canoe Races
  • Kids' Fishing Derby
  • Closest to the Pin Golf (pin was located on a small island)
  • Tractor Pull Competition
  • Hay Rides
These small town events are really great because you get to hang out with all of the 'big wigs' in town. Following are some of the highlights.

Farmers sit and watch the exciting Tractor Pull competition.

The exciting canoe races, with all the thrills & spills.

... and of course, winners of the Kids' Fishing Derby.

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